Discover insights, techniques, and practical tips in my blog articles that offer guidance and inspiration for both challenging and joyous times, empowering you to unleash your full feminine potential and become the best, unique version of yourself.
SPIRAL DATING - One Man or many?
Embracing the Shakti journey in life and love invites you to be FULLY YOU.
To be full-heartedly engaged yet effortlessly detached; to remain open, fluid, and liberated, allowing your TRUEST ESSENCE AS A WOMAN to beautifully unfold.
“High Maintenance as Spiritual Woman?”
A spiritual woman in a relationship with a man aspires not to make her happiness depending neither on him nor the relationship as we understand that the relationship is not a cow to milk but an extraordinary tool for our spiritual evolution.
There shouldn’t be rules about intimacy and love-making. You are free. You’re spontaneous, you’re alive. Yet there are some guidelines to consider to make sure you move at YOUR right speed and that you’re aware on how dynamics change in a relationship when there’s physical intimacy and love-making.
How a Shakti takes care of Herself
Beauties, it’s time to embrace a new love affair: one with your own well-being. Start falling in love with taking care of yourself—mind, body, and spirit. AND: Real self-care isn't just about bubble baths and face masks; It’s about gently yet firmly acknowledging your own areas for growth.
Dharma: Life Purpose as a Woman
This article is about a woman’s pupose in life and how to find her Dharma.
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