About Me.
I became Myself.
I Stopped Pleasing and Started Loving.
If you’re struggling with putting your Self first, I know how that feels.
If you’re struggling prioritizing your own needs and dreams, I absolutley get it.
I was a grand people pleaser and I didn’t know how to say No. I wanted everyone else to like and love me and I completely forgot about my Self.
I started to feel really, really frustrated and angry!
At any costs I wanted the approval of everybody: my family, my friends, my students, my bosses … and especially men.
I was never truly my Self.
I wasn’t able to speak my feelings and boundaries and I was overfunctioning big time!
I always found myself in love with a man who was busy with something or somebody else. I felt rejected and not good enough. That wound was deep!
I decided to stop attracting these men, to heal and to turn my life around.
I had to raise my standards. I commited myself to having value and quality in my Life and Relationships.
On my way I let go of old beliefs (like I need to work hard to be loved or look extra pretty) that didn’t serve me anylonger and opened up for a much bigger version of My Self, my Life and Love.
I truly started to love and appreciate my Self!
Mostly I learned to feel what I am feeling and how to be the Woman that I am meant to be.
Once I figured that out, I felt strong and life became so much easier.
Finding my purpose in Life and to not compromise my beliefs and standards to fit a man was one of the most important steps.
I wanted to teach exactly this to others and here I am to support You on Your Unique Path to the Love and the Relationship with a Man who sees, loves and worships You.
I built my own method that helps You to discover You - Your Unique Treasures and Gifts to Yourself and Others and to turn Your Life around - forever! NOW!
I designed a specific path that helps you to reveal Your Goddess State.
The Woman that is happy, fulfilled, accomplished by herself, so you can draw in the man who treats you like a Goddess, who is always there for You and knows that You are the One for Him. Forever!
We design the Life and Love You always Dreamed of and Go The Way There Together.
Book Your Free 15 min call with me now. I love hearing from You!
“God put that dream in Your heart for a reason.”
I Truly Look Forward To Helping You Have The Life and Love You Want.